Finding TPMS Sales & Maintenance Opportunities

Finding TPMS Sales & Maintenance Opportunities

The TPMS system is an active safety system that requires regular maintenance and inspection, but customers don’t always know this. So, here are five steps for you to perform at your shop to keep the system functioning and help you spot TPMS sales and maintenance opportunities.


First, when a vehicle is pulled into the shop, look at the dashboard and see if the TPMS light is flashing or solid. Then, observe the state of the light after 90 seconds to see if it is still flashing or has gone out. This can help you determine if the system is working properly in the first place.
Second, check tire pressures and tire wear patterns. Take a look at the tire sidewalls for damage, bubbles or cracks. This can lead to alignment opportunities, TPMS maintenance or tire replacement. In addition, check for corrosion on TPMS valve stems.
Third, inflate the tires to the correct pressure using the placard in the door frame and consider the outside temperature. The rule of thumb is that a 10-degree Fahrenheit increase or decrease will change the pressure by about one psi. Of course, you’ll also want to be sure that there are no air leaks in the vehicle’s tires.
Fourth, scan each sensor with the TPMS tool to check if the tires are at the correct pressure after inflating. Some TPMS sensors can also track the life of the battery or at least indicate if the battery is OK.
Finally, connect to the OBDII port. Some TPMS systems have active and stored codes, and with some TPMS tools, it is possible to retrieve those codes with an OBDII connection. These codes can be used to cure an intermittent TPMS complaint.
One of the most important parts to any TPMS service is recording all of your findings on a repair order that is shared with the customer. The more detail you give, the more your customers will appreciate that you have the safety of their vehicle top of mind. In addition, if any type of maintenance is turned down, record it and use it as a selling tool for future visits from that customer.

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